It seems like the gospel accounts of the life of Jesus revolve around Jesus either going to, being at, or coming from a gathering around a table. What might the tables that Jesus inhabited teach us about the kind of people he wants us to be, the kind of the people he wants us to have a heart for, and what it might look like to invite people to our tables or be invited to theirs? Join us during Lent for Tables.
Starting on the first Sunday of Lent March 9 and running through Easter Sunday April 20 the Veritas Community will explore various stories of Jesus, in the book of Luke, that center around Jesus being at a table, and what we can learn about following Jesus by looking at these pieces of furniture.
The schedule for our Tables sermon series looks like this:
Sunday March 9: Tables Week 1
Luke 5:27-32
Sunday March 16: Tables Week 2
Luke 7:36-50
Sunday March 23: Tables Week 3
Luke 9:10-17
Sunday March 30: Tables Week 4
Luke 14:7-11
Sunday April 6: Tables Week 5
Luke 14:15-24
Sunday April 13: Tables Week 6: The Table Worship Gathering
Luke 22:7-23, John 13:1-17
Friday April 18: Good Friday Worship Gathering- 7 PM
Luke 22:39-23:46
Sunday April 20: Easter Worship Gathering
Luke 24:13-35
Pursuing Jesus, Building a Family, Seeking the Kingdom of God.
Check out our Vision page to learn more about what we are passionate about.
We value… being disciples, who use their gifts creatively.
We value… being a community that fosters safe spaces to be who we are in Christ.
We value… being sent to share Christ’s love where we live, work, learn and play.
“Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.”
Join us every Sunday
fellowship starting at 10:30am
worship service at 10:45am
HUB 450 / Eastern Mennonite Missions
450 North Prince Street
Lancaster, PA 17603