Here is the audio from today's message looking at Act II from our exploration of the grand narrative of the Scriptures in our series The Story We Find Ourselves In.
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Act I
Here is the audio from our first week of our new Series The Story We Find Ourselves In.
Advent Conspiracy Week 4: Love All
Here is the audio from today's final message on our series Advent Conspiracy looking at the practicing of Loving All.
Advent Conspiracy Week 3: Give More
Here is the audio from Week 3 of Advent Conspiracy looking at the practice of Giving More.
Advent Conspiracy Week 2: Spend Less
Here is the audio from week 2 of our Advent Conspiracy series looking at Spending Less.
Advent Conspiracy Week 1: Worship Fully
Here is the audio from today's message Worship Fully in our Advent Conspiracy sermon series.
What is the Gospel? Week 8
Here is the audio from today's final sermon in our What is the Gospel? sermon series.
What is the Gospel? Week 7
Here is the audio from this past Sunday's message entitled "Jesus shuts down the treadmill" Take a listen.
What is the gospel? Week 6
Here is the audio from this past Sundays worship gathering looking at the Kingdom of God.
What is the Gospel? Week 5
Here is the audio from this past Sundays continuing exploration into the gospel.
What is the Gospel Week 4
Here is the audio from our 4th week in our exploration of the gospel.
What is the Gospel Week 3
Here is the audio for our 3rd week in our exploration of the gospel. This is the week we began to explore the gospel in 30 words.
What is the Gospel? Week 2
Here is the audio from this past week where we explored the Gospel in 3 words. Take some time and listen as Ryan seeks to explain the gospel in 3 words
What is the Gospel? Week 1
We have just kicked off our new series What is the Gospel? this past week with The Gospel in One Word. So take a few minutes and listen to the message from this past Sunday. How would you answer the question, "What is the gospel in one word?"
Sabbatical Reflections Week 2
Take a few minutes and listen as Ryan and Kim (and family) share about their recent Sabbatical and what God did and showed them.