Here is the video from Ryan this past Wednesday. He’ll be releasing a video at least every other day to encourage, connect, and to update us on what is happening with Veritas,. These videos will appear on Facebook, YouTube, and on the website.
Words from the Cross: Lent Week 4
Here is the audio from our sermon from this past Sunday, looking at the Fourth Word from the Cross- “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me.”
Our Response to COVID-19
Dear Veritas Family,
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?” Psalm 27:1
Our Community Groups are currently spending time reading, reflecting, and soaking in the words of the Psalms. The book of Psalms in many places calls us to look to God in times of trouble, to trust in His faithfulness, and seek Him as our rock and refuge. In this time of uncertainty, fear, and anxiety, may we continue to soak in the words of the Psalms and may we put our hope and trust in God.
With that being said, I and our Servants Team want to communicate with you, our Veritas Family, about ways that we are seeking to be strategic and pro-active in relation to the COVID-19 virus.
In response to the dangers and concerns of COVID-19, the Servants Team has adopted the following protocols that will take place beginning Sunday, March 15, 2020:
Lysol and Clorox wipes will be used to wipe down surfaces, railings, doorknobs, and bathrooms (before, during, and after worship gatherings). If you are willing to help with this work, please come early to worship or stay late.
All greeters and church members are encouraged to utilize elbow bumps over handshakes.
Our front door will be propped open to limit contact with door handles.
If and when communion is served, it will be individually wrapped, sealed and prepackaged.
Travelers from infected areas or other countries should self-quarantine for 14 days.
Please stay home if you have a fever or are feeling under the weather.
If you have extra hand sanitizer, hand soap, and or paper supplies that you would like to donate to Veritas, please be in touch with Ryan about setting up a time to pick them up, or bring them to our worship gathering.
If a case of COVID-19 would show up in our neighborhood, the School District of Lancaster, a local church, or in a local residential community, we may cancel that Sunday. Continue to cover your coughs, wash your hands, utilize hand sanitizer stations, and if you or your kids are feeling unwell, please stay home.
Please continue to pray for God’s protection, health and shalom for our church, for our families, for our community. We also encourage each of us to take a page from the early Church who saw epidemics as opportunities to share the love of Jesus, and to become the tangible Hands and Feet of Jesus. May we, in this time of COVID-19, be people who seek the welfare and peace of the city.
Here are some additional resources to update you on COVID-19, as well as ways of being the hands and feet of Jesus in this time:
Love in the time of COVID-19 (another article with the same title)
Ryan and the Servants Team
Note: The policies and procedures in this letter may change based on updated information that becomes available.
Words from the Cross: Lent Week 2
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s message. The 3rd Word from the Cross, “Woman, here is your son. Son, here is your mother.” Take a few minutes and listen to the message.
Words from the Cross: Lent Week 1
Here is the Second word from the Cross (“Truly I tell you, today, you will be with me in paradise”) and the first Sunday in Lent.
Words from the Cross: Ash Wednesday
Here is the meditation from last night’s Ash Wednesday service, covering the first word from the Cross “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
A Joy-Filled Journey Week 4
Here is our fourth and final week in exploring the book of Philippians in our series A Joy-Filled Journey. Listen to Ellen Kim teach on Philippians 4.
A Joy-Filled Journey Week 3
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s message looking at Philippians 3 with Matt Kirkley preaching.
A Joy-Filled Journey Week 2: Philippians 2
Here is the audio from our second week exploring joy through the book of Philippians.
A Joy-Filled Journey Week 1
Here is the audio from our first week of our new series A Joy-Filled Journey: Exploring the Book of Philippians. In this week’s message we cover some background about Philippi and the letter to the church at Philippi along with the first chapter of the book.
Entrusted Week 4: Stewardship of Finances Part 2- Giving
Here is our last message in our Entrusted series. This week we talked about Stewardship of Finances and in particular about giving.
Entrusted Week 3: Stewardship of Finances
Here is our 3rd message in our Entrusted series. This is the first of two weeks focusing on the stewardship of our finances.
Entrusted Week 2: Stewardship of Talents
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s message dealing with Stewardship of our Talents.
Entrusted Week 1: Stewardship of the Body
Here is the audio from our first week in our new series Entrusted, looking at the stewardship of the body with Kim Braught bringing the message.
Light Week 4: Light of the Angels
Here is the audio from today’s worship gathering.