Here is our Good Friday Service from tonight April 10, 2020.
Stations of the Cross outro
We have come to the end of our journey with Jesus through the Stations of the Cross. We have journeyed with Jesus from condemnation to death, to his death on the cross and his being laid in the tomb. Watch this video, reflect, mediate and pray.
Stations of the Cross Station 13: Jesus is laid into the tomb
Here is the last station in the stations of the cross, except the outro. This is Jesus being laid in the tomb. Spend some time meditating, this Good Friday, on the death of Jesus for the sake of the world.
Stations of the Cross Station 12: Jesus is laid into the arms of his mother
Spend a few minutes meditating on Jesus death on the cross and his being laid into the arms of his mother.
Stations of the Cross Station 11: Jesus Dies on the cross
Here is the 11th Station in the Stations of the Cross- Jesus dies on the cross
Veritas Update-April 9, 2020
Here is an update from today, including a meditation and updates on various gatherings happening tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday morning.
Stations of the Cross Station 10: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Here is station 10- Jesus is nailed to the cross, of the Stations of the Cross. Spend time today watching the video and mediating on Jesus.
Stations of the Cross Station 9: Jesus is stripped of his garments
Here is the ninth Station in the Stations of the Cross- Jesus is stripped of his garments.
Stations of the Cross Station 8: Jesus Falls a third time
Here is station 8 of the Stations of the Cross- Jesus falls a third time.
Stations of the Cross Station 7: The Women of Jerusalem mourn for our Lord
Spend time listening to the narration, meditate on Jesus, and pray at the end of the video.
Stations of the Cross Station 6: Jesus falls a second time
We are about half way through our journey with Jesus to the cross. Take a moment and watch this video of the sixth station, Jesus falls a second time. Listen to the narration, meditate on Jesus, and pray at the end.
Stations of the Cross Station 5: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross
Here is Station 5 of the Stations of the Cross. Take some time to listen to the narration, mediate on Jesus journey to the cross. and then pray.
Stations of the Cross Station 4: Jesus meets his mother
Take time to watch this video of Station 4 of the Stations of the Cross. Listen to the narration, meditate on Jesus, and pray.
Stations of the Cross Station 3: Jesus falls under the weight of his cross for the first time
Here is the third station in the Stations of the Cross. Take time to listen to the narration, mediate on Jesus, and pray at the end.
Stations of the Cross Station 2: Jesus receives his cross
Here is the second station in the Stations of the Cross, Jesus receives his cross. Spend some time watching the video which contains narration, music for meditation and ends with a prayer.