Here is the audio from this morning’s three part message. We broke the sermon into 3 parts with message, discussion question, and worship song. The 3 messages are in one audio file and focus on Jesus as High Priest, Sacrifice and Scapegoat from Leviticus 16
Shadows of the Cross Week 2
Here is the audio from today’s message in our Shadows of the Cross series, looking at Exodus 25-30 and the tabernacle and how it points to Jesus.
Shadows of the Cross Week 1: The Passover
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s first week in our Lenten series Shadows of the Cross looking at the Passover story in Exodus 12 with Laura Heller preaching.
Ash Wednesday 2021
Here is the message from last night’s Ash Wednesday service. We kicked off our Lenten Series Shadows of the Cross (Finding Jesus in the Old Testament) by looking at the story of Abraham and Isaac found in Genesis 22.
Free Week 6: Galatians 6
Here is our last week in our Free series looking at the New Testament book of Galatians. We explore chapter 6 with Matt Kirkley bringing the message.
Free Week 5: Galatians 5
Here is the message this morning from Galatians 5 in our series Free.
Free Week 4: Galatians 4
Here is the audio from this past Sunday, looking at Galatians 4 in our sermon series entitled Free.
Free Week 3: Galatians 3
Here is the audio from this past Sunday looking at Galatians 3
Free Week 2: Galatians 2
The audio from today’s message includes commentary about the violence that unfolded on Wednesday at our nations Capital, along with a time of prayer, and our second week of our series Free looking at the New Testament book of Galatians. Take some time and listen.
Free Week 1: Galatians 1
Here is the audio from today’s scripture reading of Galatians 1 and Steve Seitz preaching our first week in our series Free.
The Women of Advent Week 4: Mary
Here is the final sermon in our Advent series looking at the women in the lineage of Jesus. In this sermon we look at Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The Women of Advent Week 3: Bathsheba
Here is the audio from today’s message by Steve Seitz looking at Bathsheba in our third week of our series The Women of Advent. Take a few minutes and listen. Feel free to let us know how God uses this message to touch your life.
The Women of the Advent Week 2: Rahab
This week we used a video as a tool of discussion and reflection. Following the video we dialogued around these three questions:
In Hebrews, Rahab is highlighted as a person of faith. Read about Hebrews 11:1-2 and 11:31. Faith is confidence in what we hope for. What do you think Rahab was hoping for when she let the Israelite spies into her house?
Sometimes, our current situation can seem hopeless for various reasons. Others doubt or try to minimize feelings of hope. What would you say to someone who asks you why you have faith or how you can be hopeful “in times like these?”
If you’re comfortable, share one thing that you are hoping that God will redeem and use as a testament of faith during this season. Could be a broken relationship, a health event, an unexpected loss, a work related setback, etc…
Spend some time watching the video and reflect on the questions above.
The Women of Advent Week 1: Tamar
Here is the audio from our first week looking at the Women of Advent. We looked at the story of Tamar found in Genesis 38. Take a few minutes and listen to Ryan talk about Tamar and her connection to the lineage of Jesus the Messiah.
Ruth: A Story of Redemption Week 4
Here is the audio from today’s final sermon on Ruth: A Story of Redemption. In today’s message Ryan looks at Ruth Chapter 4.