Here is the audio from Sunday’s worship gathering. We explore Love Revealed: Love is Here and look at Luke 2:8-20 .
Love Revealed: To forgive sins
Here is the audio from yesterday’s third Sunday in Advent. We have been exploring our series Love Revealed and yesterday we looked at Matthew 1:18-25 and talked about loving being revealed in order to forgive sins.
Love Revealed: To Bring Life
Here is the audio from yesterday’s message for the second Sunday in Advent and our Advent series Love Revealed. We look at John 1:1-18 and talk about the fact that Love was revealed (in the person of Jesus) to bring life.
Love Revealed: To Bring Justice
This past Sunday we kicked off our Advent Series Love Revealed. We looked at Isaiah 42:1-9 and focused our time on To Bring Justice. Take a few minutes and listen as we talk about Advent and justice.
The Cruciform Life: A Life of Love
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s final sermon in our The Cruciform Life series. We ended by looking at living a life of love.
The Cruciform Life Week 5: A Non-Violent Life
This week’s sermon looked at Matthew 5:38-48 and John 18:36 and the idea that a cruciform life- shaped in the way of Jesus, the cross and the Kingdom of God is a non-violent life. Have a listen.
The Cruciform Life Week 4: Power Over vs. Power Under
Here is week 4 of our Cruciform Life series. We look at the Cruciform Life is a Servants Life. We explore Matthew 20:20-28 and talk about two different types of power and being a servant.
The Cruciform Life: Week 3
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s worship gathering where we looked at Galatians 2:20 and John 12:23-25 in our third week of our The Cruciform Life series. Take some time and see what God might say to you.
The Cruciform Life Week 2
Here is the audio from yesterday’s worship gathering and week 2 of our Cruciform Life series. In this sermon we look at Philippians 2:5-11 and talk about the idea that the cruciform life is a self-sacrificial life.
The Cruciform Life Week 1
Here is the audio from yesterday’s worship gathering and our first week of our new series entitled The Cruciform Life. We kicked off the series looking at Matthew 16:24-26 and the call of Jesus to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.
The Gospel According to Salvador Dali Week 5
Here is this past Sunday’s audio from week 5 of the sermon series The Gospel According to Salvador Dali. This week we look at Matthew 9:35-38 as well as the painting The Metamorphosis of Narcissus. Take a listen.
The Gospel According to Salvador Dali Part 4
Here is the audio from Sunday August 7 with Ryan preaching from Galatians 5:13-15 and looking at Dali’s piece entitled Autumnal Cannibalism.
The Gospel According to Salvador Dali Part 3
This is the audio from July 31- week 3 of the Gospel According to Salvador Dali with Steve Seitz preaching on Luke 22:49-51 and the Dali piece entitled Face of War.
The Gospel According to Salvador Dali Part 2
Here is the audio from week 2 of our series The Gospel According to Salvador Dali. We look at the painting Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man as well as explore John 3:1-8.
The Gospel According to Salvador Dali Week 1
Here is the audio from yesterday’s first week of our new series The Gospel According to Salvador Dali. We looked at his painting Christ of Saint John of the Cross and spent time unpacking Matthew 27:27-50.