After two weeks looking at foundational texts (John 15:1-8…abiding in the vine and Galatians 5:16-23- walking in the Spirit vs. walking in the flesh) we turned our attention to the first of the 9 Fruit of the Spirit…that fruit being love. We look at what it means to love God and love others.
Fruit of the Spirit Week 2
Here is the audio from our second week of our series Fruit of the Spirit. We looked at what it means to walk in the Spirit through the lens of Galatians 5:16-23.
Kingdoms in Conflict Q&A
This past week we wrapped up our series Kingdoms in Conflict by looking at several questions that were asked throughout the series.
Kingdoms in Conflict Week 6
Here is the audio from our last week in our Kingdoms in Conflict series (except for our Q&A conversation next week). This week we tackled the controversial subject of the rapture and looked at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Kingdoms in Conflict Week 5
Here is the audio from yesterday’s worship gathering- our 5th week in our Kingdoms in Conflict series. Yesterday we looked at New Jerusalem Bride from Revelation 21:1-5a.
Kingdoms in Conflict Week 4
Here is the audio from yesterday’s worship gathering where we focused on the theme of Holy War looking at three texts that can, on the surface, seem violent and bloody. We looked at Revelation 7:1-4, 9, Revelation 14:18-20, and Revelation 19:11-16.
Kingdoms in Conflict Week 3
Here is the audio from yesterday looking at Revelation 1:9-11 and the Lamb’s Roar.
Kingdoms in Conflict week 2
Here is the audio from week two of our Kingdoms in Conflict sermon series. We looked at the Lion and the Lamb found in Revelation 5:1-10.
Kingdoms in Conflict week 1
Here is the audio from our first message in our new series looking at the book of Revelation entitled Kingdoms in Conflict.
???? Week 5
We wrapped up our ???? series by looking at three more atonement theories. The atonement theories we looked at were Cristus Victor, Satisfaction Theory, and Scapegoat Theory.
???? Week 4
Here is the audio from this past Sunday’s worship gathering where we spent time looking at 3 different atonement theories (Penal Substitutionary Atonement, Ransom Theory, and Moral Influence).
???? Week 3
In the three years of Jesus earthly ministry he asked 307 questions, was asked 183 and only directly answered 3 of the questions he was asked. Jesus is super comfortable with questions. We asked the Veritas Community what questions they would like to explore and these are some of the questions that were submitted.
This past Sunday we explored the third question of our ???? series, "What does it mean to be in Christ?" and we looked at Romans 8:1-2, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
???? Week 2
In the three years of Jesus’ earthly ministry he asked 307 questions, was asked 183 and only directly answered 3 of the questions he was asked. Jesus is super comfortable with questions. We asked the Veritas Community what questions they would like to explore and these are some of the questions that were submitted.
This past Sunday we looked at the question, “What does it mean, in today’s political climate and world situation to, according to Psalm 122:6, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem?” We looked at Psalm 122 as well as Joshua 5:13-15.
???? Week 1
In the three years of Jesus’ earthly ministry he asked 307 questions, was asked 183 and only directly answered 3 of the questions he was asked. Jesus is super comfortable with questions. We asked the Veritas Community what questions they would like to explore and these are some of the questions that were submitted.
Week 1 of ???? we looked at the question- “What happens if someone lives a good life full of love, grace, and Kingdom values but has never heard of Jesus, what happens to them when they die?” We looked at 3 different theories and various Scriptures that each theory uses to “defend” that theory. Also below is a handout that I made available to the community that lays out the various positions.
Seven Week 7
Here is the final week of our series Seven looking at the seven churches found in Revelation 2-3. We wrap up our series looking at the Church at Laodicea.