Over the last four weeks (during Advent) our Core Group has been focusing on the stories in Luke revolving around the incarnation of Jesus into the world. I have to say that this year God spoke to me through these (to me) very familiar stories in a new way. He breathed life into them and showed me things that I hadn't seen before. I was continually blown away by the subversive, radical, upside down, Kingdom of God things within the story of Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds, and in the birth of Jesus. As we get closer to Christmas Day and to celebrating God taking on flesh and blood and moving into the neighborhood, I wanted to share a song that our worship leader, Matt Wheeler, wrote that expresses beautifully this amazing thing...the incarnation of God through Jesus into our world. May you have a very Merry Christmas and may you seek to know where and how you can incarnation Jesus into your world and how you can literally be the hands and feet of Jesus.
God With Us
Emmanuel, God with us
Heaven and earth ring loud with Your praise
Hosanna, Light lead us
Illuminate the path of Your grace
(Verse 1)
Your Kingdom come, Your holy will be done
As in Heaven, on earth, to the glory of the Son
(Verse 2)
He who humbled Himself to become one of us
The servant-King, who made us from the dust