Over the last few weeks we have been wrestling and trudging through 2 Diagrams that, to me, have really opened up the way I see Veritas moving forward. They have given our Group direction, wisdom, and puts to words what we have been thinking and dreaming about. These two diagrams are a Venn Diagram about our Core Values and the diagram called Missional Flow. Here is our Veritas Venn Diagram with our Core Values
The beauty of this diagram is that it gives us a framework to evaluate everything that we are doing, or talking about doing. It strives to give us balance. The best place to be in this diagram is at the convergence between all 3 Values. If we can balance all 3, then we are in the sweet spot.
I believe this also plays into the next diagram. The Missional Flow diagram. This has given us our next steps in planting Veritas. As I said before, when we launched Veritas we went straight where most church plants start, structuring congregations. But if we are truly striving to be a missional community and think like missionaries in our area, then we need to start thinking like missionaries and not like church planters (or leaders of a worship gathering). We are currently talking, praying, and exploring what it means for our community (the 2nd part of the diagram) to engage culture (I'll be sharing over the next few days some possible dreams for engaging culture) and then forming community out of that engagement with the hope of structuring a congregation from that community. Here is the Missional Flow diagram (that I mentioned in a previous post)
Would love to hear your thoughts on these diagrams and how they are being lived out in your context.