Last week I wrote a blog about the Monthly Rhythm of Veritas based on the OUT, UP, IN Triangle from 3DM and their lifeshape material. As I wrote about it last week, I also began to realize that the OUT, UP, IN Triangle not only gives us handles on how our community gathers but also the possibility on how we structure our leadership. So I set out to work on a Leadership Structure proposal that I wanted to post here and see what kind of thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc... I might get from people who read the blog. Below you will find the document that I put together as a 1st Draft. I would love to hear your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, thoughts on revisions, things that I missed, etc.....
“Job Descriptions” of Elder Roles
Administrative Elder: 1. Develop Community Room as a consistent revenue stream 2. Serve as Treasurer to collect and deposit offering (work with supportive church book keeper). Eventually overseeing an “in-house” financial team responsible for keeping the books, and all financial matters. Develops Budget in conversation with other elders. 3. Offer strategic step by step details to implement ideas. 4. Partner with Pastor Ryan on funding initiatives. 5. Meet monthly with other elders
UP Elder: 1. Partner with Pastor Ryan on planning the Corporate UP Gatherings (2x a month), the sermon series planning, and what each Missional Community is “studying” during their UP Gatherings. 2. Train, meet, resource, and network with the Missional Communities UP leaders. 3. Develop in Partnership with Pastor Ryan a discipleship process for Veritas. 4. Creating, Overseeing, and working on teams that help the Corporate UP Gatherings come together. (Musical team, Children’s Ministry Team, Multimedia Team) 5. Meet monthly with other elders.
OUT Elder: 1. Partner with Pastor Ryan on planning OUT events, activities, and gatherings. (Getting Artists for 1st Friday, Musicians for 3rd Friday, connecting with Non-Profits to serve with, etc…) 2. Plan (with Pastor Ryan) the monthly OUT Sunday (currently 1x a month) 3. Train, meet, resource, and network with the Missional Communities OUT Leaders. 4. Develop ways, ideas, and dreams of getting OUT into the world and blessing it and means of getting the word out about Veritas. 5. Meet monthly with other elders.
IN Elder: 1. Partner with Pastor Ryan on planning IN events, activities and gatherings that strength the relational community. 2. Train, meet, resource and network with the Missional Communities IN Leaders. 3. Create, Oversee and work on a Hospitality Team for our Corporate UP Gatherings. 4. Plan (with Pastor Ryan) the monthly IN Sunday (currently 1x a Month) 5. Meet monthly with other elders.
Elders meet at least monthly. The monthly meeting will include prayer, sharing from each Elder about what is going on in their area of responsibility (UP efforts, IN efforts, OUT efforts, and Administrative details- financial report, etc…), vision plans, dreaming together, and strategic planning for the future. Elders are responsible for the day to day, month to month work of the church. The Church Planter/Pastor is accountable to the Elder Team. The Elder Team is also responsible for the yearly church budget.
Community Gathering- The Elders convene a Community Gathering twice a year with the entire community to share vision for the future, reports from each Elder about progress in their areas of responsibilities, and the Admin. Elder presents the Budget for the Community to vote on. These twice a year Community Gatherings happen in April and October (right now during the IN Sunday Gathering.)