A KINGDOM OF HARLOTS In the same way, was not even Rehab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? Hebrews 11:30 We so easily put a person “in” or “out” of God’s grace based on what we see them doing or how view their behavior. In our mind, the line is very clean and we think that Gods kingdom is reserved for only those live better. Or we at least think it should only be granted to those who live up to our standards. But are we sure we are right?
In the case of Rehab, a woman who gave her body to a different man nightly, and who lived a life of public and private humiliation, we would never think God might consider her to be an example for us all. But she is. In the book of James, she is to be honored for her faith and courage in hiding God’s warriors, Joshua and Aaron.
Such a thought, that people of deep brokenness not only participate in Kingdom ventures, but capture God’s favor is a mind blower for sure. Maybe it should blow our hearts apart too. I wonder if we spend too much time judging, writing off, or condemning people that don’t live as “clean” as we think we do. I wonder if we’re too harsh with our own friends, our children, or a spouse when they live out their brokenness.
If the Kingdom is anything, it is all around us, it includes people of all types, sin, behavioral disorientation, and immaturity. God in his great grace overlooks some small sins like prostitution and highlights her faith. At least, let us cast off all judgment and leave the wheat and tares to God. At best, let us thank God he includes us in his Kingdom and work with him in His “Grace-filled” redemptive plan. He overlooked our sin as he carried it to the cross. Maybe we should work on overlooking other people’s sin too.