JESUS IS OUR ONLY PEACE “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Jesus is severely honest about the tension of living in this world. It’s hard enough just to live: To care for our children and spouse; to work our jobs, to keep the house in order. Added to all this we have Christ’s call to mission which seems to only add a level of stress, carrying more burdens, and the simple addition of time constraints.
How is it that God expects us to find a balanced life? How are we to get the most out of this life and still bring life to others?
Maybe balance isn’t the issue. Maybe we can’t have deep impact and maintain our sensible life. Maybe life is hard and ‘in this world’ we will never find balance, harmony, or peace. Quite possibly Jesus is telling his disciples that only in him will they find peace.
The call to care for people outside your immediate world will almost surely add weight to your life, but that’s what makes a follow of Christ so beloved by God. We are the ones who put away grumbling and selfish ambition and like a herdsman driving his sheep through a tempest of sleet and howling snow, we put our heads down and keep moving forward.
When our ministry to people doesn’t come easy, we should not so quickly become upset. When it takes years of prayer, we should not lose heart. When our own world is vexed and perplexed, we should not leave the field.
What we should do is simply go to Jesus. In him and in him alone will we find peace. The people God has called us to are worth it to Him. So much so that He endured the cross. And because Jesus is our greatest worth, we will not shrink back and live for this world.