Pure Religion vs. Devotional life “This is pure religion that God your father considers...” James 1:27
The life of a Christian always veers toward solemn, solitary moments of private reflection. If we go beyond that, we say, “we’ll go to church, give money, be in a small group, or find a place of service in the church. As we grow, we expect to be involved in leadership: Leading a bible study, preaching a sermon, or going on a mission trip.
But what about all these things? How does God view them? Is this what he wants? According to James, if you add up all these spiritual activities and add a few more, you may miss the real deal. Religious activity that God gives a thumbs up to is actually to care for people in need.
Amazing isn’t how we can be so busy with everything that isn’t the main thing to the God we want to serve and please. I wonder at times if we use these things to make ourselves feel good when the whole time, we miss what would truly feed our souls and grow us into the type of people that Jesus would ask the world to emulate.
When God says, that “this is what I consider pure and blameless” we should look up and listen. Wow, to look after orphans and widows. No mention of church attendance or bible studies.
So if you have only 20 minutes today or tomorrow either to wedge in another devotion time or lend a hand to a neighbor, I think we may find, truly find God in the latter.