Here is the audio from week 4 of our One Another series talking about Serving One Another.
One Another Week 3: Pray for One Another
Here is Sunday's sermon on Praying for One Another, in week 3. of our One Another series.
One Another Week 2: Forgive One Another
Here is the audio from this past Sunday's sermon.
One Another Week 1
Here is the audio from week 1 of our new series One Another, looking at Love One Another.
Easter 2018: Who is it you are looking for?
Here is the audio from our Easter gathering looking at the question, "Who is it you are looking for?"
Good Friday: My God My God why have you forsaken me?
Here is the audio from our Good Friday meditation on Jesus' cry from the cross..My God, My God Why have you forsaken me?
Jesus is the Question Week 5
Here is the audio from this past Sunday's worship gathering. Matt Wheeler and Ryan tackle the question, "Why are you anxious about clothes?" together.
Jesus is the Question Week 4
Here is the audio from this past Sunday's worship gathering looking at the question, "Do you love me?"
Jesus is the Question Week 3
Here is the audio from our third week in our series Jesus is the Question looking at the question, "Do you want to get well?" from John 5.
Jesus is the Question Week 2
Here is the audio from this past Sunday's message looking at the question, "Do you see this woman?"
Ash Wednesday message
Here is the audio from last night's Ash Wednesday meditation.
The Story We Find Ourselves In Act 6
Here is the audio from the last week in our series The Story We Find Ourselves In looking at Act 6.
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Act 5
Here is the audio from this past Sundays worship gathering looking at Act 5 from the Story We Find Ourselves In.
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Act 4
Here is the audio from this past Sundays continued exploration into the Story We Find Ourselves In.
The Story We Find Ourselves In: Act 3
Here is the audio from this past Sunday looking at Act 3 in The Story We Find Ourselves In.